THE HIDDEN LIE: Set in a crumbling Elizabethan manor in Surrey, England, it is a treasure hunt through a reportedly haunted house, in the company of a seemingly mismatched team of history detectives: Bob Hastings is a working class, autodidactic Shakespearean scholar from the North of England; Lady Verily Battle is a noted historian, author and champion of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, as the real William Shakespeare. Also caught up in the adventure is Alison King, and American best-selling author and fugitive from the rat-race of Hollywood. Together, the three intrepid detectives follow the clues that may lead to a hidden copy of Hamlet written in the Bard's own hand. THE HIDDEN LIE is a witty, exciting adventure, with a dash of romance and quite a few cold chills.
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JOANNA'S DAY: When Joanna Murray's parents split up, her English mother takes her back home to England, where she is placed in St. Agatha's Academy, a private school where only "the best children go." But Joanna is in no mood to try and get along with her schoolmates, especially a group of giggling girls and their leader, Dennis "Dimwit" Dinwiddy. It is when Joanna is auditioning for the school play -- a musical version of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court -- that Dennis gets his revenge by dropping Joanna through a trapdoor and she finds herself in the 6th century, during the time of Camelot and King Arthur. Will History be rewritten? And if so, how will it affect the future?